WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Key Points and Syllabus, Marking scheme

WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Key Points and Syllabus, Marking scheme

Edited By K Guna Sahiti | Updated on Oct 17, 2024 12:14 PM IST | #WB JECA

WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025 - WBJEEB will provide the exam pattern of WB JECA 2025 on the official website, wbjeeb.nic.in. The authority will release the WB JECA exam pattern 2025 along with the information brochure. It will include the details of the mode of test, language medium, number and types of questions asked, marking scheme of WB JECA test and much more. Aspirants must refer to the test pattern along with the WB JECA 2025 syllabus to devise a preparation strategy. Read the content given in this article for a more in-depth understanding of the exam pattern for WB JECA 2025.

This Story also Contains
  1. WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025
  2. WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025- Section-wise distribution of Marks
  3. WB JECA Syllabus 2025
WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Key Points and Syllabus, Marking scheme
WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025 - Check Key Points and Syllabus, Marking scheme

WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025

The exam pattern of WB JECA 2025 will be available online. WB JECA paper pattern will provide an overview of the exam to candidates. The following table mentions the detailed previous year's WB JECA exam pattern.

WB JECA 2025 Exam Pattern



Mode of exam

Offline (OMR sheets will be provided)

Medium of Exam


Duration of exam

3 hours

Number of Sections

There will be two sections in WB JECA 2025 -

  • Category - I

  • Category - II

Type of Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Total number of Questions

100 Questions

Total Marks

120 Marks

Marking Scheme

  • For 1 marks question, a -1/4 mark will be deducted for wrong answer

  • For 2 marks questions, no negative marking will be done

WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025- Section-wise distribution of Marks

Check the table below for the section wise marking scheme for the WB JECA 2025 exam. The authority will release the complete details on the official website.

WB JECA 2025 Marking Scheme


Number of Questions

Marks Scheme

Time Duration

Category - I


80*1 = 80 marks

1 hour

Category - II


20*2 = 40 marks

1 hour


100 Questions

120 Marks

2 hours

WB JECA Exam Pattern 2025: Key Points

Candidates can check the important points related to the exam pattern of WB JECA 2025.

  • Examinees will be provided with OMR sheets to mark their responses on.

  • Only blue/ black ballpoint pens are allowed to answer the questions. The entire circle next to the response must be darkened.

  • Any marking other than darkening the entire circle will be read as a wrong/ partial/ ambiguous response. Thus, candidates must refrain from making crosses, ticks, dots or any other stray marks on the sheet. Pencils and whiteners are also forbidden.

  • Those in the PwD category are entitled to 20 extra minutes to finish each paper. Visually impaired PwD candidates are entitled to get a scribe/ writer having lesser/ lower qualifications than that of the examinee.

WB JECA Syllabus 2025

After checking the exam pattern for WB JECA 2025, candidates must go through the JECA syllabus. The WB JECA 2025 syllabus will help candidates know the exact topics covered in the exam.

List of Topics for WB JECA 2025

Name of Section




Probability & Statistics


Analytical Geometry


Data interpretation



Quantitative Comparison

Discrete Quantitative Analysis

WB JECA Previous Year Question Papers

Candidates are advised to practice for the exam using the previous year's WB JECA question paper. It will provide a better perception of the WB JECA exam pattern. Here are the previous years’ question paper of WB JECA.

Previous Years WB JECA Test Papers

WB JECA Previous Year Question Paper (2022-23)

WB JECA 2023 Question Paper

WB JECA 2022 Question Paper

WB JECA Previous Year Question Paper (2017-21)

Section 1

Section 2

WB JECA 2021 Question Paper



WB JECA 2019 Question Paper



WB JECA 2018 Question Paper



WB JECA 2017 Question Paper



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. When will the WB JECA exam pattern 2025 be released?

WBJEE Board will release the WB JECA 2025 exam pattern at wbjeeb.nic.in along with the official brochure.

2. What is the exam pattern of WB JECA 2025?

WB JECA 2025 exam will be conducted as an offline exam. The exam will be of 2 hours and will have two sections. There will be a total 100 questions in the exam.

3. What is the marking scheme of WB JECA 2025?

JECA paper will consist of two categories - Category - I & II. Category I will comprise 1 mark question and -1/4 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. THe questions in Category II will consist of 20 questions for 2 marks. No negative marking will be done for this section.

4. What is the duration of the WB JECA 2025 exam?

The WB JECA exam will be conducted for 2 hours. 

5. What are the total number of questions in the WB JECA exam?

There will be a total of 100 questions. 

6. What will be the total marks of the WB JECA 2025 exam?

The WB JECA exam 2025 will be of 120 marks. 


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Brunel University, London
 Kingston Lane Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 3PH
Kingston University, London
 River House, 53–57 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ

Questions related to WB JECA

Have a question related to WB JECA ?


The eligibility criteria for various colleges may differ accordingly. So, the various criteria accepted by different institutes are:

1. The candidate should have a bachelor's degree with an aggregate of 60% for general category (45% for SC/ST) .

Candidate must also secure 60% aggregate in 10, 10+2 level, and Mathematics, 45% each for SC/ST category.

2. The candidate must have a bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years except for BBA with mathematics at graduate or 10+2 level.

Minimum qualifying marks for the general category is 50% and 45% for reserved category candidates.

3. GC recognized any Graduate degree or AICTE recognized B.E/ B.Tech/ BCA degree.

In addition to this, aspirants must have Mathematics at each level with 60% aggregate (45% for SC/ST/OBC).

4. UGC recognized B.Sc degree in any discipline with 60% aggregate (45% for reserved category) and 55% aggregate in Mathematics.

Aspirants must also secure 60% marks in 10, 10+2 level, and Mathematics at each level.

So, according to your qualifications you can now know if you can apply for the exam or not.

You can also visit the following link for any more information:


Thank You!

Hello, Aspirants.

You can use this WBJEE college predictor link too to get a personalized report about the colleges in which you may get through your rank :


best of luck!

Hi, so basically you have done BCA already right. So you shouldn't get any difficulty in admitting in a MCA college. Since you already have done BCA and you are applying for masters in same stream so you won't find any difficulty in getting admitted there.

Hope this is helpful.


The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEEB ) will conduct the WB JECA 2021 in offline mode on August 28 for admission into MCA programme. The exam is not yet held. The authorities have released the WB JECA 2021 application form in online mode on May 11 and Last date of the WB JECA 2021 application form was May 25th 2021. Registered candidates will be able to download the admit card of WB JECA 2021 from the official website. The exam will be conducted in offline mode. Keep an eye on the official website for the latest information.

Hello aspirant,

it doesn't matter if you have 43 in maths. all that matters is if you're a graduate or not with a 60% cgpa.

if you're a graduate with 60%  cgpa definitely you can apply for jeca.

good luck


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